We have a new area in our shop New to You: Fishy Stuff where we hope you will find an item you’ve been longing for – fishing tackle, flies, books, maybe art – all gifted to us by our generous supporters to help us raise funds for wild trout conservation.
In the shop at the moment we have fly-tying hooks and materials, boxes of flies and good quality rods and reels including a Hardy Conquest centrepin reel, an Orvis Battenkill IV fly reel and a B James Avocet cane trotting rod.
If you’d like to donate to us in this way, we’d be delighted to accept good quality items that need a new home. Please contact Christina in the WTT office on office@wildtrout.org
Thank you to everyone who donates their beloved stuff and to you for giving it a new life. Every pound we get is one that trout conservation didn’t have before.