A major solution to help some chalkstreams?

The Chalk Streams First coalition (CSF) of eNGOs*, led by the gargantuan efforts of WTT founder and V‑P, Charles Rangeley-Wilson OBE, has responded to various water company management plans with a proposal to give our magical chalk streams first use of the water in their aquifers, rather than the current model of abusive abstraction in the headwaters. 

The idea comes from the exhaustive work of expert hydrologist, John Lawson, commissioned by the Wild Trout Trust, Rivers Trust and Angling Trust, to investigate shifting points of abstraction towards the lower end of catchments. John’s work demonstrates that abstraction in the headwaters is robbing rivers across entire regions of critical flow, without which the streams simply cannot function naturally. 

Vitally, we do not propose the Chalk Streams First model as the only solution to England’s increasing water supply crisis, but as part of a multi-dimensional response to the crisis, including more reservoirs; however, it is a solution that could be implemented (we argue) by 2030, well ahead of the other options.

Click to download these documents: 
John Lawson’s full report.
CSF’s response to Water Resource South East’s management plan
CSF response to Affinity Water’s plan.
More to follow for other water companies. 

*The CSF coalition includes Angling Trust, Chilterns Chalk Streams Project, Chilterns Society, Herts & Middx Wildlife Trust, The River Chess Association, The Rivers Trust, Ver Valley Society, WildFish, Wild Trout Trust & World Wildlife Fund. 

Granta at Hildersham 2 Sept2019 LR Rob Mungovan
The River Granta at Hildersham