Location: 0.2km of the River Allen, Dorset at Witchampton Mill.
Issue: An old mill tail race mechanically cleared of vegetation, resulting in a total loss of in-stream habitat.
Objective: Increase channel sinuosity, flow speed and depth, reduce siltation, use a two stage channel to create marginal habitat and increase resilience to low flows.
Method: flow deflectors and brushwood berms.
Budget: £2600.
WTT role: Lead partner — project design and delivery.
Partners: Local residents, Dorset Wildlife Trust.
Project date: October 2014, 5 days.
A section of the River Allen in Dorset, which had previously functioned as the water mill tail race, was overwide and suffering from sedimentation and excessive marginal encroachment. After some unsympathetic mechanical clearance of the in-stream vegetation, the channel was left barren and devoid of habitat. Local residents and the Environment Agency became concerned about the poor quality habitat and the ongoing maintenance of the channel.