Trout spawning time

October to the end of January is spawning time for trout and salmon. It’s been quite mild for most of the UK, but the current cold weather might prompt more spawning. 

This blog by WTT Conservation Officer Gareth Pedley explains what to look for to spot spawning fish and redds (nests) in the river. 

Check out our web pages on the brown trout lifecycle and the sea trout lifecycle.

Hen fish on redd
Hen sea trout on her side, cutting a redd. A cock fish is waiting with her, keen for an opportunity to spawn; he will actively defend that position, although other fish may also try to sneak in and fertilise the eggs as they are released (photo: Peter Henriksson).

A small young male (called​‘precocious parr’) sneaks in to fertilise the eggs of hen sea trout whilst the large adult males are busy fighting each other away. Ness Fisheries Board/​Chris Conroy.