The final installment from Freddy Weaver, reflecting on his internship with WTT
A summer that I will treasure for a long time.
I feel the above succinctly encapsulates my feelings about the last three months working with the Trust in North Yorkshire. Firstly, I’d like to thank all the individuals and organisations I have worked, walked and talked with, and especially the Prof for being a fantastic mentor and guide through my internship — Jonny’s direct and energised style is infectious!
This has been an opportunity which has informed and educated me greatly about the natural world, both between and beyond the banks. It has given me insight into not only the challenges facing our waterways, but a more holistic understanding of the working environment that is our countryside. A particularly personal surprise for me has been the key human element involved in conservation and bringing people onside. I found witnessing, and being a part of, the sharing and contributing of ideas and goals for the benefit of waterways (the ethos of the WTT) especially rewarding.