
'Woodlands for Water' initiative announced by Defra

Posted on September 28, 2021

'Woodlands for Water' initiative announced by Defra

The ‘Woodlands for Water’ project aims to create 3,150 hectares of trees in six river catchment areas from Devon to Cumbria by March 2025. 

Farmers and landowners will be able to apply for funding through the ‘England Woodland Creation Offer’ grant which provides greater financial incentives for landowners and farmers to plant and manage trees, including along rivers and watercourses.

The project will be carried out by the ‘Riverscapes’ Partnership, comprising of the Rivers Trust, National Trust, Woodland Trust and Beaver Trust.  

Beaver Consultation in England

Posted on August 25, 2021

Beaver Consultation in England

Defra has today announced a consultation 'to seek views on the cautious release and management of beavers into the wild'.

The 12-week consultation is seeking views on:

  • Potential future releases into the wild
  • Current and future releases into enclosures
  • Mitigation and management of beaver activity or impacts in the wild, including the River Otter population and all other existing wild living beaver populations

There are plans to give beavers legal protection in England, making it an offence to deliberately capture, kill, disturb or injure beavers, or damage breeding sites or resting places.

Environment Agency jobs in Hampshire

Posted on August 09, 2021

The EA Solent Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology team have two vacancies, based in Romsey, Hampshire: 

Test and Itchen River Restoration Project Officer. Closing date 22 August 2021. Permanent, full time or part time/job share. Do you understand chalk streams - their form, function and natural processes, relationship with their floodplains and aquifers; their biodiversity and the pressures they face; and the politics? If working with nature to restore and enhance our environment excites you, then please apply. 

Solent Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology Team Leader. Closing date 12 August 2021. Fixed term, full time or part time/ job share. The role is to lead an integrated team of fisheries and biodiversity experts, providing strong leadership, identifying and prioritising the big risks, giving clear direction and providing support to the team.

High water temperatures and trout

Posted on July 19, 2021

It's hot! Very hot in some places. 

A combination low water levels plus hot sunshine means high water temperatures and low oxygen levels. Once the water temperature reaches 20 – 21C, our native brown trout start to struggle and even best practice catch and release can result in unintended mortality. 

Bear in mind that the air temperature in the evenings is cooler, but the water temperature may not be. Take the temperature of the water before you fish and if it is at or around 20C, it is better not to fish.

Pink salmon

Posted on July 16, 2021

Pink salmon

There is a chance that the rivers of the UK and Ireland will see pink salmon this summer. This normally Pacific species has been appearing in recent years around our coasts and in our rivers, thought to be the product of strays from northern Norway and Russia (and possibly originally fish farm escapees?). Anglers might be interested in an information sheet from the Environment Agency and report any captures of odd salmon – full details here

Building bridges

Posted on July 01, 2021

The work that we do always has a 'people' as well as a 'trout and wildlife' focus. 

See below for an interesting little film from our chums at Aire Rivers Trust.

The site in question, a mill goit fed by a former weir across the Aire, essentially created an island upstream of the Seven-Arches Bridge at Hirst Wood. Jonny Grey from WTT was asked to visit by local EA Fisheries to advise on reinstating habitat within the goit for spawning and winter flow refuge.

Shetland trout stocking doesn’t make for more trout

Posted on June 11, 2021

Many studies have confirmed that stocking with farm-reared trout (or salmon) makes very little difference to numbers of fish in the wild. A very recent paper, published by Andy King and colleagues at Exeter Uni, reiterates this point, from their studies of a stocking programme in the Shetlands. The full, open access paper is here.

The story here (repeated in plenty of other places) is that the sea trout rod fishery collapsed in the ‘90’s, so a stocking programme was initiated in 2002 by the angling association, to stock out fry born of domesticated, farm-origin broodstock. Concomitant with the stocking programme, sea trout catches started to recover, so the angling association, understandably, reasoned that the stocking was part of that recovery.

The study analysed samples from 368 fish, genetically “finger printing” them to ascertain their ancestry. Two interesting things emerged in the data: first, there were distinct, genetic differences between trout from different burns (like we always say, a trout is not just any old trout) and, secondly, the researchers found very few fish of stocked origin: ”… our results suggest that the recovery of the Shetland sea trout population was probably not directly linked to the stocking programme”. More significant, they postulate, is that a recovery of sand eels (including a cessation of the sand eel fishery) made for more sea trout food. The work also identified a number of wild x stocked “hybrid” offspring which is problematical – it is known from salmon research that such “hybrids”, being less fit for the world, produce less fish for subsequent generations; so, paradoxically, the stocking programme could have been doing exactly the opposite to its aim. The Shetland Anglers Association ended the stocking programme in 2017.

Even small barriers are bad for fish

Posted on June 11, 2021

It's not just about salmon and sea trout - all fish, including resident brown trout, need to be able to move up and downstream to complete their lifecycles. Whilst some barriers in rivers occur naturally, we humans have added a staggering 40,000 artificial barriers (check out this blog post from the AMBER project) with inevitable consequences on our fish populations. 

This blog post by Peter Jones describes the results of research into small barriers on fish communities.  You can read the full paper in the Journal of Applied Ecology.

For more information about rivers and barriers, visit our Rivers Resource Hub on this website, and specifically this page on weirs, culverts and hydropower. 

Peat, trees, beavers and more........

Posted on May 21, 2021

Peat, trees, beavers and more........

A speech by the Secretary of State for the Environment, George Eustice, yesterday contained a number of announcements, including this comment on beaver reintroductions:

After a successful release in Devon, we are now looking positively towards the reintroduction of beavers and further releases of this iconic species in England. Our consultation, to be issued later this summer, will outline our approach to this, and the management of beavers in the wild. We will particularly consider reintroductions where the benefits are clear, where there are strong partnerships and agreement from stakeholders. Our approach will acknowledge the potential of beavers as a keystone species whilst working closely with local communities.

Check out our Beaver Resource Hub for information on beavers, their impact and management. WTT will, of course, be responding to the consultation and we will publish our response on the website.

EA’s Fish Monitoring Report 2020 for the Test & Itchen

Posted on May 19, 2021

EA’s Fish Monitoring Report 2020 for the Test & Itchen

EA has just published its (annual) report on its monitoring of the fish populations in 2020, obviously impacted by Covid. It’s an interesting read. Accepting the vagaries of sampling fish in rivers, abundance of young trout and salmon was relatively low but looks like some really good news in the number of adult sea trout and salmon returning in that year to both rivers. The report discusses whether this might be linked to greatly reduced boat traffic in the English Channel, brought about by Covid.

Good for the Granta - river habitat project in Cambridgeshire

Posted on May 12, 2021

Good for the Granta - river habitat project in Cambridgeshire

Major work has just been completed by the Wild Trout Trust working with the Babraham Research Campus on 1km of the River Granta in South Cambridgeshire. The work, which was funded by the Environment Agency, aims to improve habitat for wildlife, provide a better view of the river for walkers and improve the ability of the river to cope with floods and droughts.

Photos of the project before, during and immediately after the work are available here.

Chris Chapman, Director of Campus and Facilities at the Babraham Research Campus said, “This work came about further to an Advisory Visit by the Wild Trout Trust, and we realised that we could work together for the good of the river. The Campus estate is a beautiful natural asset, which we are dedicated to maintaining, preserving, and enhancing. The river is a major asset which is enjoyed by those that work here as well as the local community. We are very much committed to taking care of this precious chalk stream and were very pleased to collaborate with the Trust to enable this work to go ahead.”

Our journal, Salmo Trutta 2021

Posted on May 08, 2021

Our journal, Salmo Trutta 2021

Our members' journal, Salmo Trutta, is now out and has been posted to members. If you are a member and haven't yet received a copy, please contact Christina in the WTT office. 

Join as a member to receive a copy - your membership pays for the journal and, more importantly, helps us to deliver more practical advice and habitat improvement for our rivers, their trout and wildlife. 

Salmo Trutta is a high quality, no adverts print journal. It is not available on line but by popular request we have made two articles available as PDFs so that they reach the widest possible audience. 

Did you know, trout grow on trees?

Posted on May 06, 2021

Did you know, trout grow on trees?

This sounds a bit odd, but it is true. WTT Conservation Officer Jonny Grey has been working with volunteers from The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), planting trees on rivers banks. 

In this blog post on the TCV website, he explains why trout grow on trees.