Amy Blaker is an Early Career Researcher at Lancaster University undertaking her MSc project with WTT’s Prof in Practice. She is taking up the reins of studying impacts of road culverts on fish communities, building upon upon the valuable data already collected by cohorts of MSc students from Queen Mary University of London.
Hidden below the surface of Britain’s rivers and surface waters, our freshwater fish are in trouble! A recent report by the WWF The World’s Forgotten Fishes | WWF ( revealed a third of global freshwater fish were threatened with extinction. Another report by the World Fish Migration Foundation highlighted that fish which undertake any form of migration during their lifecycle have declined by 76% globally in the last 50 years, and by a devastating 93% in Europe. Fish play a vital role in our highly connected freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, contributing to nutrient cycling and energy flow through the aquatic food web. They may feed on invertebrates, algae or other fish, and are an important part of the diets of otters and numerous birds.