Wild trout adventures in unexpected places

Most of our supporters know trout don’t just live in obvious or even beautiful places… but it’s sometimes hard to work out what that really means.

Hidden in the pages of our catalogue, here’s our curated selection of trout fishing in some of the most unexpected places in England. For instance, who’d have thought that Andrew Flitcroft, editor of Trout & Salmon, could take you on a wild trout adventure in Rutland? Or that wild trout are living happily in the Great Stour just outside Ashford in Kent?

Time to start planning your season of adventures, inspired by the WTT’s auction. 8 – 17 March, on eBay and by post. 
Click the Lot numbers below for a direct link the Lot description and thence to eBay.

Trout in Lincolnshire (Guash/​Gwash lots 241 and 237 – the latter with Andrew Flitcroft), Suffolk (Lot 226), Northamptonshire (Lots 247 and 248), Cambridgeshire (Lot 227 and 244), Kent (Lots 197, 193) near Reading (Lot 179) and Basingstoke (Lots 181 and 182). 

River Shep Cambs 1

Start getting your inspiration on for a new #WTTseasonofadventures with the #WTTauction