Blog post by Wild Trout Trust Research and Conservation Officer, Jonny Grey:
One of the most exciting and heartening aspects of our work is when ‘word of mouth’ contacts help to spread the love for rivers a little further.
“Jonny… there’s a lot of good things happened over the last couple of weeks…. I’m really keen for you to do a river walk and provide a report… it will all make sense, I promise 😉” — Extracts from a text message to me in mid-August last year, an opportunity too good to be missed! Besides, it involved a new reach of river that I had not yet explored.
We met with the landowner at the top end of the Skirfare, a river with some repute in terms of big wild trout, and walked and talked for several kilometres. He had a vision for the wider landscape which was refreshingly long-term. Not three to five years as many projects seems to be, but 50 to 60 at least. It involved a lot of trees, and he already understood that the river and its tributaries were an integral part of that vision but wanted a bit of steer as to what that might look like and how it might fit into a working landscape, especially with ELMS looming.