A super podcast with WTT Events Officer Bruno Vincent talking to Pete Tyjas of Fly Culture is now available.
Bruno is a talented chap and has donated three lots to our auction (which he runs, and which is on eBay now). The lots are: 42 flies, a days’ fishing the Heddon valley on Exmoor (gorgeous spot) and a lino cut ‘A Festival Of Grayling’.
There are more great podcasts on the Fly Culture podcast site.
Many of the people featured in the podcasts have also donated fishing days to the auction, including Charles Jardine, Gilly Bate, Peter Hayes and Don Stazicker, John Aplin, Bruno Vincent and Fly Culture Editor, Pete Tyjas himself.
For more information about the auction (the list of lots, map of lots, what happens if you can’t take your lot, how to bid): https://www.wildtrout.org/content/auction‑0