
Fishing available

Posted on February 05, 2020

Fishing available

Fishing available:

A number of clubs and fishery owners have contacted us to say that they have fishing available for the coming season:

River Lambourn at Hunts Green near Newbury. Contact Bruce Wheeler on 07950 046696Taw Fishing Club in mid Devon. Ideally local members willing to get involved in river management. Contact info@tawfishingclub.orgRiver Itchen at Easton/Kingsworthy. Contact Usk (lower river). ISCA Angling Club – salmon and trout fishing. sec.isca@gmail.comWiltshire Avon on Salisbury Plain, email: chisenburyfishing@outlook.comRivers Dove,Churnet and Bentley Brook. Leek and District Fly Fishing Association.

Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust CEO

Posted on February 04, 2020

We are very sorry to hear that Martijn Antheunisse, CEO of the Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust, will be leaving the Trust to return to the Netherlands with his family. His skills and enthusiasm will be sorely missed.

The Trust is recruiting a new CEO. Details are here:

Closing date 3 March, interviews will take place w/c 16 March.

New All Wales fishing byelaws come into force

Posted on January 23, 2020

Following a consultation and an Inquiry, new fishery bylaws affecting salmon and sea trout fishing in Wales came into force on 1 January 2020. 

National Resources Wales have issued this press release (extract below). More information is available on the NRW website . 

'New byelaws which will help protect increasingly vulnerable and threatened stocks of salmon and sea trout in rivers wholly in Wales are in place for the 2020 season.

Christmas Raffle Draw

Posted on December 20, 2019

Thank you to everyone that took part in this year’s Annual Draw and to all the donors enabling us to raise a fantastic £5848.

1stprize kindly donated by Sage won by ticket no. 5468 - MG of North Yorkshire

2ndprize kindly donated by the Peacock at Rowsley & Haddon Fisheries won by ticket no. 6018 - SN of Cambridgeshire

We wish you a trouty Christmas…..

Posted on December 19, 2019

It’s a year when we….tramped the river banks from Ireland to East Anglia, Cornwall to Scotland giving advice; demolished yet more weirs, delivered a great bunch of habitat projects from the Aire to the Upper Test, and continued to monitor a few for evidence of change; forged new partnerships and worked with loads of volunteers; revamped our journal; had a tremendous Auction and Annual Get Together; said ‘farewell’ to Mike and Ed and 'welcome' to Bruno and Nick; mourned the loss of some very good friends, fretted over the drought in the South East, the floods in South Yorkshire and low sea trout stocks in Wales; stood up for trout and rivers facing no water, pollution, habitat destruction and netters; celebrated some tremendous winners at the Conservation Awards; launched the Urban Guidelines at a gathering of Trout in the Townies; and enjoyed members fishing weekends on the Wye and the Kennet. 


Many thnaks for all your support thruogh the year. Looking forward to more of the same and better in 2020.

David Bellamy

Posted on December 12, 2019

We are sad to hear that David Bellamy has died, age 86. He was a Wild Trout Trust Vice President and a hugely popular TV presenter and conservationist. He inspired a generation of conservationists with his distinctive presentation and enthusiasm and will be much missed.

Our condolences go to his family.

Challenges and Choices for our water environment.

Posted on December 11, 2019

The ‘Challenges and Choices Consulation’ from the Environment Agency is open now and will close on 24 April 2020. It covers England and includes the Severn and Northumbrian river basins.

The EA say: ‘We are seeking your views on the challenges our waters face and the choices and changes we all need to make to help tackle those challenges.By responding to this consultation you will be helping to shape the management of the water environment.’

The questions are wide-ranging and are set in the context of climate change and the biodiversity crisis. There are 9 sections described as ‘challenges’ and they include water levels and flow, chemicals, physical modification, invasive non-natives, and pollution from plastics, mines, agriculture and rural areas, urban areas and transport and waste-water treatment.

Selling tackle on eBay for WTT

Posted on December 05, 2019

We would like to say ‘thank you’ to Hans Thomsen who, with the help of the Charfield Angling Association has sold fishing tackle to the value of £716.28 on eBay and donated the proceeds to the Wild Trout Trust.

The donation is very much appreciated and will be spent on practical work to improve river habitat.

Selling tackle on eBay, either for a fixed price or by auction, is straightforward and the funds raised can be automatically passed in whole or in part to the Wild Trout Trust. Instructions can be found here:

Movember tribute to Malcolm Greenhalgh

Posted on December 03, 2019

WTT team members have raised £1275 for Movember, a charity which addresses men’s health issues including suicide and prostrate cancer. 5 members of the team grew moustaches during November (and most shaved them off on 1 December!). With the recent death of our much loved Vice President, Malcolm Greenhalgh, and with the agreement of his family, our chaps posed for photos in a Malcolm look-alike pose. None of their whiskers are as luxuriant as his, and the greyness was faked with flour and, in once case, tile grout, but we hope it was an fitting and affectionate tribute to Malcolm nonetheless.

Click the thumbnails below to see the team's whiskers in all their glory.

Malcolm Greenhalgh

Posted on November 25, 2019

Malcolm Greenhalgh

Malcolm Greenhalgh died recently following complications after heart surgery.

Malcolm is a huge loss to our trout world and to WTT, as one of our Vice-Presidents. Not only has he carved a path in wild trout fishing, Malcolm utterly championed wild trout conservation, especially in the rivers of the north west of England. He had an extraordinarily forensic brain, a lovely humorous way about him. We will very much miss Malcolm and the support and advice he has given us over the years. Deepest condolences to Malcolm’s family and friends from all at WTT.

Paul Gaskell and Matthew Wright discuss the recent floods on Talk Radio

Posted on November 22, 2019

WTT Trout in the Town Programme Manager Paul Gaskell was recently interviewed by WTT Vice President Matthew Wright on Talk Radio about the flooding on the River Don. There is a wide-ranging discussion about managing catchments to help reduce flood peaks and the challenge of communicating and acting on science based responses to flooding when many people are suffering the devastating consequences of flooding.

Move to 20 mins 30 ish in the 14:00 to 14:30 slot on link below:

River Derwent (Cumbria) Catchment Wide Habitat Improvement

Posted on November 11, 2019

River Derwent (Cumbria) Catchment Wide Habitat Improvement

The last in our series of news items about the finalists for the WTT Conservation Awards

The Cumbrian Derwent is a Special Area of Conservation and Site of Special Scientific Interest, with important species of fish, invertebrates and plants. The river was subjected to huge and damaging flooding in 2009 and 2015, making enhancement of available habitat imperative.

The River Derwent Catchment-Wide Habitat Improvement Project is delivered under the umbrella of the River Corridor Group (RCG), a partnership of the Derwent Owners Association, the Environment Agency, Natural England, West Cumbria Rivers Trust, National Trust, Lake District National Park Authority and the Woodland Trust. The project is long-term and ongoing, with the key objectives of improving riparian habitat through stock-exclusion and riparian planting, tree management, improving in-river habitat for fish species through the introduction of large woody debris, providing spawning gravels, creating wildlife corridors through assisted natural recovery projects and contributing to natural flood management processes.

Roadford Reservoir Mitigation Project in Cornwall

Posted on November 01, 2019

Roadford Reservoir Mitigation Project in Cornwall

A summary of one of the Conservation Awards finalists:

The construction of Roadford Reservoir, in Cornwall’s Tamar catchment, led to the loss of natural flows, spawning areas and habitat for all wild salmonid life stages; for over 30 years, compensation from South West Water took the form of a fish rearing and stocking programme. This project, however, a collaboration of Westcountry Rivers Trust, South West Water and the Tamar & Tributaries Fisheries Association, aimed to work on habitat improvement across the entire catchment, dividing it into three parts: the Lyd, the Inny and the upper Tamar. A suite of interventions has been implemented, including the reduction of abandoned coppice, gravel cleaning, debris dam removal and electric fishing monitoring.

The project has mapped areas for rehabilitation through 11km of walkover, established 16 new electric fishing monitoring sites, cleaned gravel at 65 sites (approx. 1,300m2), thinned abandoned coppice on 27 sites along 3.8km of river to increase light penetration to the river and tackled six impassable debris dams. The aim, exceeded by more than double, was to increase smolt output by nearly 4,000 fish, excluding any increased migration from the debris dam work.

Bradford Anglers Aire Freshener Project

Posted on November 01, 2019

Bradford Anglers Aire Freshener Project

A summary of one of the Conservation Awards finalists: 

The Aire Freshener project, headed by Bradford City Angling Association (BCAA), supported by the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Farming & Wildlife Partnership, Aire Rivers Trust and WTT, tells the story of an angling club that has changed both the philosophy and practical management of its fishing on Yorkshire’s River Aire, near Gargrave. The river has a chequered 200-year history of neglect and abuse from various forms of industry but BCAA has established a vision for a river which: