Mayfly in the Classroom & the Environment
The new book is available internationally via Amazon — but thanks to print-on-demand technology can be shipped from hubs that often fall within the customer’s own country. Another great benefit from an environmental charity perspective is that print-on-demand bypasses the need to print, store and transport a sizeable inventory of books (with over/under production of print copies a real headache to manage).
Inside the book, you’ll find full step-by-step instructions to create and run a Mayfly in the Classroom project at home, in the classroom or as part of an interest group. You can see an example case study from Eden Rivers Trust who have already employed this affordable and low-tech engagement and education tool by clicking here. The low-tech, affordable nature of these projects is emphasised by the “upcycling” of plastic drinks bottles into reusable aquarium vessels (thus removing those bottles from the “single use plastic” category)
However, compared to our previous, online, resources, the print book has significantly expanded the supporting information — allowing a large range of accompanying messages to be attached to the activity.