Freshwater scientists have been studying the phenomenon of “hydropeaking”, the artificial variation in flow below hydropower plants, for around 25 years. One particular aspect has been the harmful effects of flows, fluctuating in some cases on an hourly basis, upon salmonid fish species. In response to the growing awareness of the need to reduce the impacts of hydropeaking, a team of freshwater ecologists and engineers recently published a timely review article. One of the authors, Daniel Hayes (a PhD candidate at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) tells us a little more about the issue.
It can be quite lucrative to operate a hydropower plant according to the current market demand – turning the turbines on when prices are high and turning them off when rates are low. Moreover, in light of growing shares of other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar in Europe, such an operation mode from a large-scale perspective might be crucial to maintain stability in the electrical grid. Peak-operating hydropower plants are a common sight, especially in mountainous regions such as the European Alps, as they mostly utilize a large reservoir with high-head drops.
However, such an operation mode, called hydropeaking, leads to a discontinuous release of water downstream of the turbines. A river reach subjected to hydropeaking effectively experiences a series of artificial floods on a sub-daily schedule. Typically, hydropeaks exhibit higher rates of change than natural flood events as the river flow moves from baseflow to peak flow and vice versa). The duration usually ranges from hourly rates to 12 hours or more.
From an ecological perspective, hydropeaking results in numerous adverse consequences. Unsurprisingly, it has been described as “one of the most significant impacts on rivers downstream of dams.” Fish communities in particular are severely threatened by pulsed flow operations as they can be affected, among other impacts, by stranding (Fig 1) and drift, and dewatering of spawning grounds (Table 1).