From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your support of WTT through 2020. We’ve been touched and humbled by your warm words and generosity in the auction just when Covid hit us in the Spring, then when so many of you renewed your membership and now again with our autumn raffle which has just raised a record amount of £7997.
I am also indebted to my colleagues for their stoicism and the expertise of our trustees across a really bumpy year – we go into the unknown of 2021 in a strong position and with plenty of work to do. We have advisory visits lined up and will jump in leading volunteer groups when things feel a little clearer and trout spawning season has passed; we’re developing some really interesting river improvement projects.
The 2021 WTT auction will run 19 – 28 March, our annual journal will reach you in early May, we’ll aim for members’ fishing days through the year, our great fun 3‑Fly fundraiser is planned for 19 June and (we can only hope), we’ll be able to meet in September for our postponed Annual Get Together.
I wish you well for the Christmas period. Take care and stay safe.
Shaun Leonard