Chalkstream adventures that money can’t (usually) buy

Anglers travel from all over the world to fish England’s chalk streams – and with very good reason. But there are some beats, especially on the celebrated Test and Itchen, where even the best guides and booking services can’t get access. 

The Wild Trout Trust is immensely grateful to the owners of some of these beats for making them available for our charity auction, the single most important fundraising event of our year. We’re very privileged to be able to offer them as auction lots for one-off adventures that money truly can’t buy.

This year, our very desirable chalk stream lots include beats on the Test, Itchen, Dever, Anton, Kennet, Lambourn, Alre, Enbourne, Meon, Avon, Bourne Rivulet and Candover Brook.

Time to start planning your season of adventures, inspired by the WTT’s auction. 8 – 17 March, on eBay and by post. 
Click the Lot numbers below for a direct link the Lot description and thence to eBay.

A sample of some highly exclusive chalkstream beats, available in the WTT auction. 

Lot 147 An upper Test private beat, guided by ace chalkstream guide, Bill Latham.
Lot 148 An Itchen beat near Winchester, a very exclusive club water (Bishopstoke Club)
Lot 153
The upper Itchen at Chilland, exclusive private water, all wild fish.
Lot 170 The Itchen at Winchester College.
Lot 171
An upper Itchen tributary, the Candover Brook. The private family water of Lord Ashburton.
Lot 173 The upper Itchen at Itchen Stoke Mill. All wild fish. Very exclusive, private, underfished.

… and lots more! 

Middleton Test 2
The River Test at Middleton
The Club
Candover Grange Est

Start getting your inspiration on for a new #WTTseasonofadventures with the #WTTauction