Back in March, which seems an absolute age ago now, I wrote a blog about the low-cost baffle solutions to ease fish passage on Bradford Beck. These interventions over several weirs are a part of a wider scheme to improve the environment within and alongside the beck. Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Environment Agency, Friends of Bradford Becks, and WTT are partners on a programme funded by the Water Environment Improvement Fund from Defra and an EU BEGIN (Blue Green Infrastructure through Social Innovation) scheme.
I had begun the work (with help from Aire Rivers Trust staff) opportunistically in January during low water. Then February arrived with a bang and we all know how much water flowed under the bridge during that month, generating the highest-ever recorded peak at the gauging weir, one of those troublesome barriers! It carried and deposited various trees, a car, lots of scaffolding, many tonnes of building rubble, and all sorts of unmentionables from numerous CSOs. I’m pleased and just a little bit chuffed to say that all the baffles survived the onslaught.