In short, it’s full of inspiring, empowering advice for anyone who wants to start taking care of their local urban waterway.
Of course, a project like this is a huge collaborative effort, involving many of our project partners and friends in urban groups across the UK, who have very kindly contributed photos, ideas and stories of their own successes. We’re particularly grateful to Gary Hunt (CATCH), Phil Sheridan (Friends of the River Worth), Harriet Alvis (Bristol Avon Rivers Trust), Charlotte Hitchmough and Anna Forbes (Action for the River Kennet), Joe Peccorelli (Zoological Society of London), and Ben Fitch (Riverfly Partnership).
We also want to say a very special thanks to the Environment Agency for funding this important new publication.
Our designer Rebecca Hawtrey has done an amazing job with a huge file of materials, and Bruno Vincent created a standout new Trout in the Town logo even before he officially started working with WTT. Now that’s dedication to the cause!